1) How I feel closer to Israel since October 7th and how it has affected me.
2) How Jewish summer camp has transformed my life.
3) Jewish artifacts in my home: what are the symbolisms, meanings and memories?
4) Music and Jewish prayer-how are they united?
5) What was it like for my family living a Jewish life in a different culture/country?
6) Hebrew calendar: what is your favourite month and why?
7) Cooking through the Jewish calendar-stories and cultural exploration across Jewish communities and the globe.
8) Best Israeli innovations of the past 10 years.
9) Why is Holocaust education important today?
10) Any Jewish topic of your choosing in the spirit of the contest.
Your child should be dressed comfortably but in a manner that is dressy enough to present a speech in public. Dress for success!
Competitive track: All speeches should begin with the phrase, “Honourable judges, viewers, and fellow participants…”
Non-competitive track: “Honourable coaches, viewers, and fellow participants…”
Deadline for registration is on March 31, 2025
Students in Grades 3-8 can choose whether to enter into the competitive track or non-competitive track. All students will receive a prize and certificate for participation.
Judges include educators or those in the education field, professionals who have experience working with children, and esteemed members of the Jewish community. All judges are devoting their time on a volunteer basis. Any concerns regarding judging should be addressed to Dave Loewith
If you are interested in becoming a judge, please contact Maggie at mnorris@jewishhamilton.org
Competitive track: Marks will be awarded based on the following: organization, content, evidence of research, understanding of topic (as you may be asked a question), originality and delivery; which includes suitable volume, pitch and tone, pronunciation and fluency. First place in each grade category will be awarded $100, second place $75, and third place $50.
Non-competitive track: students participating in this category will be given feedback on their presentation from a panel of coaches, and will be entered into a draw to win a prize.
All concerns should be addressed to Dave Loewith: daveloewith@gmail.com.
The speech should be 2-4 minutes long.
More information is available from:
Rick Black at 905-928-5080 or Maggie Norris at mnorris@jewishhamilton.org or 905-648-0605 x307.