A Worldwide Teen Movement

What is BBYO?

BBYO, which stands for B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, is not your typical youth group. It’s a worldwide teen movement bringing together high school students from all over the globe, with diverse interests and from various Jewish backgrounds. Your BBYO experience can be whatever you want it to be. Looking to make new friends? Need to improve your leadership skills? Want to make a difference in the world? Love to play sports? Enjoy traveling to new places and meeting new people? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Hamilton BBYO Chapter: Mishpacha

Each BBYO member is part of a chapter made up of teens from their community. Chapters are where you have meetings, plan programs, and hang out with your friends. The Hamilton BBYO chapter, Mishpacha, meets at J Hamilton, 1605 Main St. W, and is open to all teens in Grades 8-12.

Become a Member

Join thousands of Jewish teens across the world in redefining how we shape our future through service, advocacy, friendships, and fun. Membership through high school graduation is only $149! For a one-time payment, you can enjoy the BBYO benefits that last a lifetime.

Request Information

BBYO programming is completely teen-led and staff-supported, offering teens exciting and exclusive events in their own community. These range from weekend conventions to sports leagues, social events, and community service projects. Let us know how best to contact you (or your teen), and we’ll make sure to be in touch with more information!

“Mishpacha BBYO has given me, its members, and the Jewish community a new type of Jewish programming, and in turn taught us how to become better leaders. I love my chapter with all my heart, and I hope to see how it will grow and embed itself in the Jewish community in Hamilton.” 

 - Liav Yakov, Mispacha BBYO Member

Visit our website to learn more and explore our upcoming events!